How to allow email reception on your mobile carriers(NTT,softbank,au)


  1. click Mail app on your smartphone
  2. set up mail
  3. move to Docomo mail setting site
  4. Authentication screen (password required. Initial setting “0000”)
  5. Specified reception / rejection settings
  6. Set up the email address to receive and register by adding “@”
  7. detail(Japanese site only)


  1. iCon
  2. click Mail app on your smartphone
  3. Address change / other settings
  4. Spam filter setting / confirmation
  5. Enter your PIN
  6. Select “Enabled” in the reception list settings
  7. Enter “@” and select the range of match confirmation
  8. Select “Change” and then “OK”
  9. detail(Japanese site only)


  1. My Softbank
  2. Select “Email (i)” in the mail settings
  3. Select “Next” in “Spam Email Block Settings”
  4. Select “Change” in “Receive permission list”
  5. Select “Use” and “Next”
  6. Register “@”, select the matching method, and click “Next”.
  7. Select “Register” and “OK”
  8. detail(Japanese site only)