Please explain the total health ranking in detail.

Q1. How can I raise my rank in the total ranking?
A. There is a score table on the bottom of “”see the detail”” button. You will get better rank if you improve your score. Regarding presenteeism, it will improve if you answer the questions once a month from the questionnaire menu.

Q2.Total health ranking and health index score rate
A.Score rate per 1 rank is 100% divided by 46 ranks. If 50 %, your rank would be 23.

Q3.How do you calculate Health Awareness out?
A. We check if you answer the
annual health awareness survey at your company.

Q4. How steps count on scores
A.Score rate is 0% when the average steps for the past 90 days are less than 3000steps, 100% if more than 16000.

Q5. What’s lifelog number?
A.The number of days that have data of your steps

Q6.Monthly overtime hour/Clock-out time scores 0.0.
A. It’s 0 because your overtime hour is too long. When your monthly overtime hour is around 80 hours for the past 3 months, the score gets 0. Please try not to overwork for your health.